Monday, 11 April 2011

Quest Win International

QWI for You : The Travel & Earn Business

Do you have a desire to be rich or super rich? If the answer is YES, let me show you the simplest business in the world which will makes you a super-dupa rich man.

 you are a potential of:
* Hotel voucher discount worth US$100 all around the world. And the voucher keeps on growing from day to day.
* US$200 for the 1st round
* US$3000 for the 2nd round
* Non-stop residual income of USD100
* Non-stop residual income of US$2,000
* Monthly Leadership Incentive of USD100 for 12 consecutive months
* Monthly group turnover
* Monthly global business turn over

How is it worth for you? It’s lucrative enough?
For me, it’s very very lucrative…. Do you know why? Because it gives me a NON-STOP RESIDUAL INCOME of thousands of US dollar. Only one in a life time capital and it’s so cheap. Everybody can do this business. Even a high school boy or girl can do it. Great! So, great!! Please don’t miss it.

But, please… do not misinterpret it.

This is…
* NOT a normal or traditional multi-level-marketing business those haves a lot of tricks, manipulations, hidden traps and carrot motivation
* NOT a quick rich scheme
* NOT a pyramid system
* NOT a postal order scheme
* NOT an investment
* NOT a forex trading
* NOT a seminar program
* NOT a I-donate-you, you-donate-me program
* and the most important part you have not to sell anything like coffee, milk, a multi fruit juice, sex enhancement products or whatever junk…

What I’m offering you is a BUSINESS, a real business in travel & tour industry with the powerful e-commerce system. The combination of TRAVEL & TOUR, e-COMMERCE and NETWORKING

PROVEN! E-commerce business has created so many millionaires, so many billionaires all around the world within only a short period of time. Just look how Jeff Bezos develop his US$15 billion empire in only 4 years. Larry Page with Google, Jarry Yang with Yahoo! Don’t forget, the youngest and latest millionaire Mark Zuckerberg with facebook. They are all millionaires and billionaires in internet business. Just to name a few, there are so many more millionaires in internet business. They are silent millionaire. Even your neighbor may be an internet millionaire!

If you really want to success and rich let’s do e-commerce. You can make money even when you are sleeping.

Believe it or not, you can be super rich like those millionaires and billionaires with our system. You can be rich or super rich with a small capital. Yes, you can make it!

Still have no faith? Please read on…

QUEST WIN INTERNATIONAL (QWI) is a "travel provider" for tourism industry. Our vision is to be the largest travel provider in the world. With mouth-to-mouth and networking system via internet, QWI develop a database of tourism potential. This database will be shared with “tourism player” such as hotels, restaurants, car rentals, resorts, airlines, theme park etc. To create a quality and huge database, QWI award every single person who helps us in developing the database. This award is what we want to share together.


The organizer of Quest Win International (QWI) is an international company based in Malaysia; GMI Express Travel & Tour Sdn Bhd. The corporate office is in Level 40, KLCC Petronas Twin Tower, Kuala Lumpur.

For the purpose of international banking and withdrawal process, GMI Express is linked with Wowpays of Australia. Wowpays provides all the e-partner with international VISA debit card. With this VISA card, people all around the world are possible to take part in this business.

There are two way to be an e-Partner of QWI; Direct or Feeder.

Your commitment is only get two people direct under you, one of a life time. The persons you introduce will automatically jump under you in the main program. So, you have only do one work in feeder program, everything is catered!

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